Ehrenberg Area Cleanup & Meetup – AZ 11/16-27/21

Plans for Fall and Information on the Ehrenberg Clean Up & Meet Up Nov 16th – 27th.

Helping pass along information for PinTheTrash App and Nomadic Management plans for helping with the clean-up. Pin the trash is a much-needed social initiative taken by non-profit Nomadic Management with the goal to keep our public lands […]

Nomadness Gathering AZ

Update: –DIRECTIONS TO NOMADNESS GATHERING– On the South side of Arizona Exit 1 adjacent to the truck stop is a traffic circle. Take the traffic circle exit entering the paved frontage road that runs back along Eastbound Interstate 10, away from truck stop. Go 3.0 miles to Nomadness Gathering turnoff. DETAILED: Paved road from traffic […]

Campsite Cleanup and Thanksgiving AZ

Annual campground cleanup in the Ehrenberg, Arizona area. Scheduled for the 17th to 27th of November. There will be a Thanksgiving dinner in conjunction with the event.

Your invited to our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner potluck with provided main courses, entertainment and great company. During the event we will host demonstrations, games, music, entertainment, and […]