Schooliepalooza – Eherenburg, Arizona 1/15-22/25

In honor of all nomads worldwide, the anarchist, the hippy, the artist, the crafter, the private ones, the lost ones, the known ones and the loved ones we present: “SkooliePalooza 2025”.

SkooliepaloozaⓇ is a gathering of people who live and travel in converted school buses (skoolies), vans and other nomadic vehicles. The event is a […]

Schooliepalooza – Arizona 1/23-29/23

Dates changed, ignore dates on graphic!

Schooliepalooza 2023: The Ungathering Eherenburg Arizona

In honor of all nomads worldwide, the anarchist, the hippy, the artist, the crafter, the private ones, the lost ones, the known ones and the loved ones we present: “SkooliePalooza 2023: The Ungathering”.
