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Rubber Tramp Rendezvous AZ
January 14, 2022 - January 23, 2022
 Rubber Tramp Rendezvous 2022
The RTRs are back in Quartzsite! Attend the full gathering, or join in for just part of it. Enjoy community!
- Classes & Lunch Time Discussions
- Bulletin Boards to post if you have “Something to Give,” or “Something You Need”
- Free Pile to swap and donate good-condition items for nomads … or just socialize
- Bob’s Van on display, a HOWA sweepstakes fundraiser
- Name Buttons at the Welcome & Information Table, made for you on-demand
- Meet others who share a nomadic soul, newbies, and seasoned
- Sun Protection — sunscreen, hat, etc.
- Water — lots, because it’s the desert
- Layers of Clothing for expected weather
- Chair to relax and participate in the classes/discussions
- Food (we may have a few vendors; stay tuned)
- Poop Bags if you bring your dog
Dates & Times:
- RTR: Sunday, January 16 – Sunday, January 23
- WRTR: Friday, January 14 – Saturday, January 15
- 8 am MT Open
- 5 pm MT Close, except on last day, Sun Jan 23, close at Noon
- Tentatively — Online RTRs Monday, January 24 – Wednesday, January 26 (HOWA YouTube Channel)
- Baseball Field at the Quartzsite Town Park for the main event
- Located in the northwest lot at Plymouth Rd & E Quail Trail St, south of E Senter St
- Within the ball field,
- Stage will be between second base and pitcher’s mound
- Seating will be on the grassy outfield — bring your own chair or blanket for seating
- Bulletin Boards at home plate
- Bob’s Van, Bluetti System & LiON Cooler up for sweepstakes wins, displayed on the infield
- Info/Welcome/Button Table behind the first base dugout
- Free Pile in the parking area south of the ball field, near goal post.
- Porta-Potties on the right-field warning track.
- No camping at the ball field (per Quartzsite Town Ordinances)
See the HOWA website for full event detail such as where to camp during the event.